The Health Benefits of Hobbies & Discovering Your Passion

For some reason, society often relegates hobbies to the young, the retired, and the artistic. Yet everyone should consider having a hobby (or ten). There are hundreds of positive reasons to have a hobby. For starters, they're great for our physical and mental well-being! Over the years, there's been a lot of research going into... Continue Reading →

Time Management Tips and Tricks for the Easily Distracted

Time management can be the bane of many professionals. This is especially true for those of us professionals who find themselves, let's say, easily distracted. The truth is that there are often a million things happening at any given time, and that brings additional challenges to getting through our daily tasks. The good news is... Continue Reading →

Does PTO Count Towards Overtime?

Hourly employees may have countless questions regarding PTO, pay rates, Overtime, and more. One of the most common is the question regarding whether or not PTO counts towards Overtime. As with any payroll question, there is a short answer and a long answer. To put it simply, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not... Continue Reading →

Container Gardening For Beginners

Gardening is one of the most popular past-times, especially these days. Gardening saw a significant boom in attention over the past couple of years, thanks to global events. Learning how to garden can be a bit intimidating, but it will be a rewarding venture. Container gardening is one of the most approachable options for new... Continue Reading →

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